
Macomb Mechanical's extensive experience allows us to offer services to a wide range of industries. We understand the needs and requirements of the different industries we work with and are able to expertly satisfy the unique needs of each of them. Some of our capabilities that allow us to work with so many industries include:

  • Project specific safety programs
  • HVAC, Plumbing and piping design optimization
  • Multi-disciplined design cost analysis
  • Proactive maintenance programs and training
  • Energy Recovery and load shedding design
  • In-house HVAC, Sheet metal fabrication, plumbing, piping, insulation, certified welding, underground
  • Identification of potential worksite hazards and risks
  • Ethical Record keeping and Reporting
  • Research and monitoring of new emerging technologies and sciences that impact efficacy
  • Education and Training of all journeymen, apprentices, and vendors that work on the project
  • Equipment and system leasing programs

Industries We Serve

Contact us today to learn more about how we can provide the services needed for your industry.